A space to understand your Now

1:1 reading

Connection to your Higher Self

Options will be in Video Call sessions or Pre Recorded. All options provide healing, alignment, clarity, guidance, intuitive messages, and Channeled Messages. If you are ready to dive into a communication with your Higher Self and Guides this is for you!


  • “The Channeling with Alexia was honestly one of the most profound and important events in my life so far. I feel reassured now, and I’m more than glad that I chose Alexia as my channeler. I was crying the whole time during my reading since the things she said were both so beautiful and so fitting to what I knew so far). Now I know which things I have to work on, which things to focus on and I have the reassurance that I’m guided always, by angels, the universe and the wisdom that is inside me. “

  • “Each reading I’ve had with Alexia is such a gift. You share truths I need to hear with so much compassion and clarity”

  • “My reading with Alexia totally changed my life. She gave me answers I didn’t even know i was seeking. I applied the information I received to improve relationships in my life and since then they have completely transformed for the better. I see Alexia at least once a year, it gives me clarity and direction. I feel more freedom to go after what I really want. Her guidance has proven time and time again to be full of wisdom, kindness and love.

  • “Than you so much for my reading! It is so valuable and a blessing”

  • “I loved The Past Lives & Ancestors workshop, it was very unsightly and full of helpful information to understand the topic in a very detailed way, yet easy to follow. Alexia answered all of the questions and gave us and amazing channeling message that left me with a pure wisdom and love.”


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